
Search first 10 results#

from eudract import Eudract
eu = Eudract()

# return all trials with full details for "covid" in list of dictionary
eu.search("covid", "full", True, size=10) 

Get trial info#

Get info for a trial by eudract id.

from eudract import Eudract

eu = Eudract()

# return trial summary in plain text format
eu.info("2015-001314-10", "summary", False) 

# return trial full in dict
eu.info("2015-001314-10", "full", True) 

Use cache#

Cache file can be used using cache_file argument. Results will be cached to a sqlite database.

eu.info("2015-001314-10", level="summary", to_dict=False, cache_file="euract.db")